Send Honeybux to Your Employees

Honeybux is the modern, sustainable, electronic way to give, allowing employers to give electronic gift cards while simultaneously promoting philanthropy. We are a social enterprise so you can be a socially conscious employer.

How Does it Work?

  • 1

    Give Honeybux

    The giver designates some honey (real $) to give to a non-profit and some honey (real $) to give to the recipient as a gift.

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    Spend the Honey

    The recipient first chooses the non-profit of their choice to support and then chooses their gift card from over 400 stores.

  • 3

    Feel Fantastic

    Your community just got a little bit sweeter, your team feels good and your business is awesome!

We Provide a Mechanism for Employers to:

    • Be socially conscious
    • Better include employees in their philanthropic activities
    • Advance their philanthropic perception & standing in the community
    • Enhance and elevate employee morale, participation, and well-being
    • Gift, reward, or treat employees to something personal

How Employers Can Use Honeybux:

Use as an award for staff, contractors, etc. The timing is up to you.

    • All employees – monthly, quarterly, yearly
    • Merit Bonuses
    • Anniversaries, birthdays, baby announcements, other special occasions
    • Sales tool

Honeybux is not replacing your corporate giving but is instead, team driven giving.